NOVA Neuropsychiatry, PLLC is located at 6723 Whittier Ave, Suite 304, McLean, VA 22101.
Dr Serghi can also provide convenient telepsychiatry services (virtual/online appointments).
Please be advised that this practice has a fee-for-service policy and Dr Serghi is out-of-network with all health care insurance plans. An itemized medical bill is provided if choosing to submit a claim for reimbursement with the insurance. Payment is due at the time of each visit.
Initial evaluations require one-to-two hours of assessment, in addition to reviewing medical records and obtaining collateral information. The fee for each hour (60 minutes) of initial evaluation is $350. Please call or email Dr Serghi to discuss scheduling an initial evaluation. You will receive a link from Dr Serghi to schedule your appointment online.
Brief follow-up visits (30 minutes) are charged at $175. Comprehensive follow-up visits (45-50 minutes) are charged at $300. Followup appointments can be scheduled online by clicking "Schedule Appointment" or by contacting Dr Serghi.